Lady Macbeth Ruthless Quotes

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The Vehemence of Lady Macbeth In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the plot starts where a couple, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a growing trait of greed to kill the king in order for Macbeth to be crowned as king. The other counterpart of this plan is the wife, Lady Macbeth. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth shows off traits such as guilt, ruthlessness, and anger. One emotion that Lady Macbeth displays at the beginning of the play is ruthlessness. Initially, throughout the start where Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are planning the murder, she shows no remorse for King Duncan to be murdered. In Macbeth, the couple state, “Macbeth- My dearest love, Duncan, comes here tonight. Lady Macbeth- And when does it go? Macbeth- Tomorrow, as he intended. Lady Macbeth- O never shall the sun that morrow see …show more content…

Due to Macbeth sending his wife the letter of the alleged prohecies, Lady Macbeth sees this as an opportunity for Macbeth to be crowned king and should take this chance. Originally, after reading her husbands letter, Lady Macbeth decides to make a wish to the evil witches as well. Lady Macbeth claims that the witches should remove any feminine features on herself. Lady Macbeth does this to become more harsh like men. Women at this time wouldn’t be able to do this since women are more soft-feeling than men. Due to the excitement of this plan, Lady Macbeth is nothing but ruthless in the beginning. Following up, another emotion that is present during and after the murder is anger. Rarely, Lady Macbeth was ever mad at this plan, except for the times Macbeth would mess up this plan. In Macbeth the couple state, “Lady Macbeth- Go get some water, And wash this filthy witness from your hand. Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there, too. Go, carry them and smear/sleep the groom with blood. Macbeth- I'll go no further. I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on again I dare not.

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