Lady Macbeth Smart Quotes

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The play Macbeth by Shakespeare, this play has a very quick paced plot. It’s about one of the main characters, Macbeth, and his wife, Lady Macbeth, killing the king to ensure that Macbeth gets power because he was considered one of the greatest soldiers/heroes of the time and she wants him to get the power she thrives for and believes he deserves. After killing the king, Macbeth starts losing his mind and in a way goes on a killing spree that then causes more issues, which ends up with him dead in the end due to his poor decision making. Lady Macbeth, has a very demanding and power hungry personality. She can be very controlling, especially when it comes to her meek husband. Lady Macbeth shows greed, anger, and fear all throughout the play …show more content…

Get on your nightgown lest occasion call us, and show us to be watchers. .Be not lost so poorly in your thoughts.” Shakespeare 2. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? 64b-71) This quote shows that when somebody knocks upon the door, she expresses fear that they have been caught. She tells Macbeth to quickly change and wash so he isn’t bloody and act as if nothing has happened. Another specific example of her showing her fear and trauma is shown/explained in Act 5, Scene 1. Lady Macbeth is seen sleeping and talking during the night. Somebody calls a doctor to come see her, but he just tells them she needs God. When actually the sleepwalking and talking is a way of showing her fear and anger about people finding out she had committed the murder with her husband. She is described to be trying to scrub something off repetitively, they later find out she was trying to scrub blood off of herself whilst she was sleeping. To finish off, Lady Macbeth expresses her fear and two similar but also different situations, one showing how she felt right after the murder and then one showing how it continued to affect her later on. This is all shows how Lady Macbeth shows greed, anger, and fear throughout the

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