Lady Macbeth's Death Analysis

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Using a variety of literary techniques, Shakespeare relays Macbeth’s apparent lack of grief for his wife, which provides insight into his paranoia of death and loss of power, as well as his vanity. Forgetting the death of the Queen, Macbeth chooses to focus on the insignificance of life. It is only in the two first lines that Macbeth speaks to the death of Lady Macbeth specifically: “She should have dies hereafter / There would have been a time for such a word” (5.5.20-21). Macbeth only briefly addresses his wife’s despise because he would rather focus on the depleting worth of life. Macbeth shifts from mourn the loss of his wife as he declares “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” (5.5.22-23). Shakespeare

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