Essay On Land Administration

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CHAPTER 6- LANDS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT In most countries land accounts for between half and three quarters of national wealth. By The World Bank 1989, pg 87 6.1 Land Administration Land administration deals with implementing policies concerning the management of land tenure. Nichols [1993:41] has noted that land administration is one of the primary land management processes and therefore derives its objectives “within the context of the broader land management objectives”. Nichols [1993: 10] has therefore defined ‘land administration’ as being a mechanism to manage the land tenure system, including managing arrangements for monitoring and enforcing many of the laws and regulations affecting tenure. Land Administration includes the processes of land registration, land conveyance, surveying & mapping of land parcels, land valuation & taxation, dispute resolution, regulation of land tenure, and the creation & allocation of interests in land [Nichols, 1993]. Land Administration has also been described as being: “the operational component of land tenure; land administration provides the mechanisms for allocating and enforcing rights and restrictions concerning land” [McLaughlin and Nichols, 1989:79]. This definition reflects the historic emphasis of land …show more content…

This conceptual model emphasizes the central role of the cadastral overlay and how – being integrated with topographic mapping and land registration – it provides information to other independent government authorities through a linkage mechanism maintained by the land information centre. The advent of computers has led to land information systems (LIS) becoming an indispensable tool for documenting information on land tenure, and consequently for land administration and land