
Land Use Final Paper: Urban Sprawl

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Land Use Final Paper: Urban Sprawl Urban Sprawl, which is sometimes also referred to as sprawl or suburban sprawl, is the rapid expansion of the geographic extension of cities and towns. It is not a very personable layout of land and space, and many people believe that it damages social interaction wherever it may occur. It causes a disconnect in the area of living no matter how close the people may actually be to each other. This happens because although you may be neighbors or acquaintances with these people and want to interact or hangout, there may not be space in the area for such things to occur. Due to the increase of technology and all the material things that now shape society, people want as much stuff as they can have even if they …show more content…

“In its path, urban sprawl consumes immeasurable acres of forests, farmland, woodlands and wetlands and in its wake, leaves vacant storefronts, boarded up houses, closed businesses, abandoned and usually contaminated industrial sites, and traffic congestion, which can stretch miles from urban centers and is creating a hidden debt of unfunded infrastructure and services, urban decay, social dysfunction, and environmental degradation.” The sheer amount of negatives is easily one of the biggest reasons that this topic is viewed in such a negative light. Although the positives and benefits are helping in areas of great importance to families and most people like education and crime, it is still not enough for urban sprawl to be viewed as a positive among the …show more content…

Urban sprawl will continue to happen throughout our lives and beyond because a lot of it is based on personal preference and choices. It is not going to stop, but because not everyone would prefer urban life over city life it will always be a personal opinion. Although, there will never be a time where people are only seeking urban life, over time these areas are going to become more populated because of all the options for development and change. Many will continue to believe that urban sprawl is only a good thing, and rightfully so, but while many others view it as a bad that is not wrong either, there are many positives and even more negatives but no one side is definitely the right option, but if “You also have to consider the fact that it will actually play a part in having to cut down more trees and tear up the environment, then urban sprawl is hardly a good

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