Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS)

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History and Development of SILS: Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) was initially explained in the gynecology literature in 1969. The first procedure routinely performed was the tubal ligation through single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) at the umbilicus [1][2]. 4000 cases of tubal ligation through single-incision laparoscopic surgery were accounted by Wheeless in 1969. Single incision laparoscopic surgery is an innovative technique of surgery [1][2]. In 1997, SILS is first practically applied in cholecystectomy [5]. According to Pelosi, the first use of SILS in general surgery was a SILS appendectomy in 1992 [3]. In the same year, D'Alessio explained a strategy for appendectomy in pediatric patients in which an extraordinary …show more content…

The hernia and its resulting mesh repair frequently nullify the cosmetic advantage offered by this method of SILS [6]. The enlargement of the skin incision is required for the repairs in all patients because enlargement of incision can uncover all hernia edges and provide a sufficient repair [6]. When the skin incision was enlarged, it extended past the umbilical borders and was no more contained inside of the umbilicus' scar, and it was therefore visible [6]. It stays imperative to disclose this potential complication to patients who are settling on the choice to experience SILS based primarily in light of the cosmetic result [6]. Laparoscopic surgery is related to a well known complication named as Trocar-site hernias. Trocar size is the essential measure by which most gynecologic specialists choose to close fascial incisions; traditional practice is closure of 10-mm cuts and non-closure of 5-mm incision [9]. Fascial closure does not avoid incisional hernia advancement [9]. Paramedian area and blunt sort trocars are two figures that have been widely discussed and experienced in general surgery and urologic surgery Level II studies as measures by which fascial closure is not required 10-mm and 12-mm cuts [9]. We would suggest surgeons examine fascial closure in 5-mm incisions where broad, prolonged manipulation happened that may have expanded or broadened the initial imperfection

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