
Last Train Home And Teenage Beauty Queenss: An Analysis

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When one looks through their clothing, and personal belongings most of the time they find that their items are more often than not “Made in China”. According to the World Bank, the industrial and manufacturing sectors contributed over 60% of China’s GDP in 2015. Since most of the Chinese economy relies on these two sectors, China has to ensure that there is a workforce available to them. They do so by exploiting the people who live in the rural areas by promising them money, and manipulating the education system. This exploitation is seen first hand in the “Last Train Home” and Michelle Loyalka’s “Teenage Beauty Queens”. Both Qin, the daughter in “Last Train Home” and Jia Huan, the daughter in “Teenage Beauty Queens” are impacted by this exploitation.
Before industrialization in China, education was the …show more content…

However, as more factories began to develop, a second easier path to leaving was formed. Qin and Jia Huan had felt lured by the promise of being able to make their own money, as any teenage girl would. They were also impacted heavily by the grueling Chinese education system. The education system of China requires that student’s pass a test in order to be able to go to high school, and the test is only administered to the top students. As a result, many Chinese children never receive any education past middle school. By doing so, many Chinese children have no choice but to work in the factories. Thus, ensuring that the Chinese can maintain a workforce in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. For example, Jia Huan was never able to take the test. Rather than having to wait a full year to be able to make up the test, the

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