Late American Edwin Shneidman's Psychodynamic Approach

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5.The late American Edwin S. Shneidman is considered the father of suicidology, Shneidman studied suicide for five decades. Edwin was a disciple of Henry A. Murray. He applied Henry’s theory “need-press” and maintained that suicide is always triggered by unbearable psychological pain, caused by one’s inability to satisfy key psychological needs. These needs vary with individuals, and Shneidman developed a “Need Form” which profiles people "need a pattern." The suicidal people use suicide as an escape to their unbearable psychological pain (psychic) which they do believe that is greater than that of an average person. Suicidal people first disconnects from memories of loved ones before committing suicide. The common unfilled needs which do result …show more content…

In 20th- century, psychologists and psychodynamic-oriented psychiatry stated to use the notion of ambivalence concept. Ambivalence concept looks into the contradicting feelings one experience when they want to commit suicide. The dualities of mind’s flow constitute a cardinal feature of man’s inner life. Schneidman explained the duality of mind as the state where if one want to commit suicide the prototypical psychological picture on the brink of suicide is one who wants and does not want. This is the reason why a suicidal person cut his throat and still cry for help at the same time. The struggle for help experienced by the suicidal individuals is clear indication of the mind duality whereby one part of mind plans for self-destruction and at the same time entertain fantasies of rescue and intervention. Schneidman final concept on suicide was most suicide are dynamic events, that is two-person events. This phase of suicide has two phases, the first case where one must deal with the significant other in the case of prevented suicide, and the second is the aftermath in the case of a committed suicide where one deals with the …show more content…

Suicide is now considered a global cause of death. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research of 2014, it shows that 90 percent of suicidal cases in America relates to depression, diagnosable mental or substance abuse disorder. Depression which is the most contributing factor to suicide or suicidal act cases is a treatable disorder but often the treatment requires more time. Suicide in China accounts for about a quarter of all suicides worldwide, and it is the fifth leading cause of death in China. Contrary to other western populations, in China, more women commit suicide compared to men. World Health Organization (WHO) suicide data states that every year over 800,000 people die due to suicide and in 2012, 75 percent of the global suicide occurs in low- and middle-income countries. In 2012, suicide accounted for 1.4 percent of all death

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