Laura Wingfield Symbolism

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The fire escape is a symbol of many things for each member of the Wingfield family and can also be identified as a poetic truth. There is always a fire burning inside the apartment, but not a physical fire. It’s a fire of desire to escape the apartment. The fire escape offers the opportunity to leave; it is a symbol of hope, fear, anxiety, and chance. Tom Wingfield loathes his current life and desperately dreams of finding his passion in life, but is held back by the expectation to support his family. “I mean that as soon as Laura has got somebody to take care of her, married, a home of her own, independent- why, then you’ll be free to go wherever you please… But until that time you have to look out for your sister,” (pg. 35). To cope with …show more content…

She’s terribly shy and too afraid to communicate with others. Unlike Tom, she’d rather stay away from the adventure going on outside the apartment. The fire escape steps lead to the world outside and Laura lets her fears and anxiety get in the way when she wants to walk down them. The times she was out in public at the Rubicam 's Business College, she got so nervous she threw up in front of all her classmates. Even when she does walk down the steps, she slips and falls, meaning that she is too fragile and crippled to live around others. Deep inside herself, Laura knows that she is different and won’t find a job or a gentlemen caller. Amanda is the one who cannot accept the facts like Laura can. When Jim came over for dinner, she was to nervous to open the fire escape door and let in new possible opportunities. “Tom and Jim appear on the fire escape steps and climb to the landing. Hearing their approach, Laura rises with a panicky gesture. She retreats to the portieres. The doorbell rings. Laura catches her breath and touches her throat,” (pg. 56). Most people have no problem opening a door, but not Laura. Amanda pushes Laura to the limits and tries to hide her flaws. If Laura could have it her way, she would play with the glass menagerie and victrola and ponder things the rest of her life. In this play, the fire escape plays a major role in demonstrating how Laura can’t function on her own in the