Lauryn Hill I Find Peace Of Mind Sparknotes

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Innumerable obstacles for black female melodic rappers everywhere were consecutively broken by activist, singer, and songwriter Lauryn Hill. Demonstrated in her mesmerizing 2002 MTV unplugged No 2.0 live rendition of her song, I Gotta Find Peace of Mind. Hills' unique style of singing and songwriting encourages listeners to elucidate deeply into her lyrics. Hills’ live performance of I gotta find peace of mind is incredibly significant because it demonstrates the ability to interpret through her passion for the lyrics she sings. Her lyrics represent her receptivity, and vulnerability which implies that everyone deserves to have a peace of mind, no matter their inner struggles. In Hills' music, interpretation plays a significant role. Initially, …show more content…

To support this, Hill implies her lyrics are based off of the teachings of Eckhart Tolles’ writings. Tolle is a self-help spiritual teacher that focuses on the significance of the power and presence of an awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Tolle's teachings are implied throughout the song. An example of this is when Hill states, "I have no identity.” This aligns with Tolles’ teachings, for it encourages the fall of the ego in order to find a “peace of mind.” Although she implies Tolles’ teachings throughout her song, it is clear that she is having difficulty getting there. The representation of her struggle with ego is an example of this. This is referenced when she implies "there's no me without him”, which mentions the idea that the ego tries …show more content…

Her live performance conveys a perfect example of this. In her performance she is seen to have a raspiness and realness to her voice, she also forgets lyrics, makes mistakes with chord changes, and misses notes. At one point, she breaks down due to how passionate she is about what she's singing. Her emotional performance reveals her lyrics' "real meaning of" what she is singing, demonstrating that the lyrics have more context than on the surface. Her use of repetition also enhances this. An example of this is her use of the word “free”, which implies a deeper meaning of what she wants in her life. Insecurity is another prominent theme in which she shows her vulnerability, an example of this is stated, "you love me despite myself”, expressing that she believes God loves her despite her insecurities, and that she believes with God anything is possible. Furthermore, she is fully susceptible to her audience by directly mentioning God, “what a merciful, merciful God..what a wonderful, wonderful God.” This is one of the most authentic lines in the piece for the use of the word “God”, which takes away any means of interpretation. Conclusively, these factors create the sense that one is watching an authentic and emotional