
Leadership And Leadership In Nursing

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When I first started my nursing career ten years ago, I did not believe that I could have stayed in nursing profession for ten years. As I have been working at different in-patient settings throughout my entire nursing career, I have seen and learned that how much influence can a nurse manager’s leadership have on a ward and ward staff, and how much difference can it make, in terms of patients’ outcome, staff motivation, job satisfaction, and building of ward culture. Like what the formal US President John Kennedy said: “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” This is particularly true in today’s healthcare environment, which is ever changing, demanding and dynamic (Scully, 2015). I feel blessed that one of my supervisors, Mr Pei, is such an inspiring leader, and here I would like to share that how his leadership style had impacted me positively and what I have learnt from him.

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Leadership is defined as the ability to influence a group of people toward the achievement of a vision or set of common goals (Robbins & Judge, 2016, p. 214). I am …show more content…

I was the senior staff nurse in-charge in the ward, when I witnessed the incident. It happened out of a sudden, without any alerting signs prior to the incident. The patient started throwing things at staff, damaging ward properties such as computers. Most seriously, he assaulted several staff who was trying to approach him, and one of them was so severely injured on his face that he had to undergo a facial plastic surgery. As a duty in-charge nurse, I was caught off guard, and unable to manage this crisis which I was supposed to. Fortunately, Mr Pei was the supervisor on-call, and he showed me how critical the crisis leadership is during such a

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