
Leadership As Depicted In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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Leadership is more than a title. It's a role, a rule you must fulfill. You, my audience have a choice to be a just leader, or a corrupt one. I will guide you through the just path. If you decide to be corrupt. You must find out on your own. A just leader won't ever get manipulated, he will always stay true to his principles and have a sense of humility. A leader is never manipulated. Everyone will speak of leaders whom try to manipulate others. A manipulative leader is almost as cliche. Not many people speak of the leaders who are manipulated, although it happens frequently. Macbeth certainly allows it to happen to him. His wife Lady Macbeth reads a letter speaking of what the witches foretold for her husband, and how one of the profits are already true. Lady Macbeth takes into consideration of how sweet and lighthearted Macbeth is and how she will need to change him. Lady Macbeth feels that the fastest way he'll become king is to kill King Duncan. Macbeth lacks psychological courage to go against his wife and and it allows him to be manipulated. Now we realize a leader is always in development. Leaders must be attuned to those weaknesses so that manipulation becomes harder to accomplish. …show more content…

Macbeth begins to play with his principals. Valor and honor, intact and he acts on these things. Macbeth is ruthless on the Battlefield, and has honor. He is a principled leader. Witches make Macbeth believe a different principle. The Witches explain nothing and just throw promise at him. Macbeth thinks he needs to do something in order to activate this prophecy. We may first admire Macbeth's principles but they have changed. Most leaders claimed that they have ethical and constructive principals whether they approve they a pulled the principle is a whole new

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