Leadership In The Odyssey

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Some things that characterize successful male leadership in The Odyssey are determination and good relationships.Odysseus demonstrates his determination when his men release the winds when Ithaca was in sight on his journey home.“They screamed and I woke up, / and wondered if I should jump off the ship / and drown , or bite my lip, be stoical, / and stay among the living. I endured it, / covered my face, and lay on the deck.” (Homer, The Odyssey, 10.50-54).Homer suggests that most people in this situation would give up and that having this kind of determination is what makes someone successful. By saying that Odysseus wondered if he should jump off the ship and drown, it shows that Odysseus had the thought of giving up. However, Odysseus’ …show more content…

Even though Odysseus has already faced so many tough situations like these, he continues to try to get back home, demonstrating the strength of his spirit. Through the use of his determination, he keeps his men going on the journey. Odysseus encourages his men to keep going, even when it seems impossible, or times are rough: like when they were blown back to Aeolus when Ithaca was in sight.Menelaus shows the importance of maintaining relationships and friendships through his interaction with Telemachus when Telemachus asks Menelaus to let him go back to Ithaca. “I disapprove of too much friendliness / and of too much standoffishness. A balance / is best. To force a visitor to stay / is just as bad as pushing him to go. / Be kind to guests while they are visiting, / then help them on their way.” (Homer, The Odyssey, 15.71-76).Homer is suggesting that maintaining relationships and being caring about one’s people is important in being a good leader. Menelaus makes sure to treat his guests well and to maintain the good relationship with them. For instance, before he sends off Telemachus, he makes sure that there is a feast held and gifts given to Telemachus.Having a strong sense of determination characterizes successful male leadership which Homer supports through the characterization