Emotional Intelligence Essay

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Emotional Intelligence: The word emotion takes account of an extensive range of observable behaviors, expressed feelings and change in state of the body when facing particular situation. Happy, sad, Anger, fear, surprise, excitement, tender like there is so many different emotions human being posses and that often comes out accordingly based on the time and in particular situation. Our feeling and emotions, our likes and dislikes, these give a meaning to our life, these make us happy, sad, satisfied, unfulfilled and there by decide our course of action and also our health. On the other hand intelligence is the ability to obtain and apply knowledge and skills. Emotions define our response to certain situations. Often it happens in our day to day life that we have been driven by our emotions in a situation where we need to take some crucial decision. This is the moment where our emotions overpower our intelligence. We do prefer “what we are feeling” more than “what we are thinking” about the situation ahead of us.
Emotional intelligence is the ability …show more content…

To developed valid measure and to explore significance of emotional Intelligence Salvoey and Mayer initiated and analyzed a research. In one study they realized when a group of people were seen a disappointing film, the individuals scored high on emotional clarity recovered more quickly. Here assessing the emotional clarity is the ability to identify and naming the moods and emotions that they felt during the film. In another study those who possess the ability to perceive correctly, acknowledge, appraise and understand emotions of others were better able to respond accurately to changes in their day to day