John Mayer's Trait Model

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Trait model is developed by Konstantin Vasily Petrides(2001). It encompasses behavioral dispositions and self perceived abilities and is measured through self report. Ability model is developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer(2004). It focuses on the individual ability to process emotional information and use it to face the social circumstances. Definitions: Emotional intelligence is described as the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them approximately and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. It reflects on the abilities like intelligence, empathy and emotions to enhance thought and understanding of interpersonal dynamics. Here we discuss the …show more content…

It is essential in preparing self report scales which individual performance can be compared with standard performance. Other measurements: The other various measures are also used to assess ability in emotional intelligence. 1. Diagnostic analysis of non verbal accuracy 2. Japanese and Caucasian brief affect recognition test 3. Levels of emotional awareness scale Mixed Model: This model is developed by Daniel Goleman. It is the set of skills and competencies that pushes towards the leadership performance. He quotes five elements of emotional intelligence. 1. Self awareness- it is the ability to know about oneself like his own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, competencies, values, goals and utilizing them in decision making. 2. Self regulation- it is the ability to control one’s own emotions and self directing to accumulate the changes in the surroundings. 3. Social skills- it is the ability to maintain relationships to make the individuals in their desired direction to succeed. 4. Empathy- it is the ability to understand other people’s emotions ion taking …show more content…

After many number of publications of papers, Trait Emotional intelligence was developed. Trait Emotional intelligence is assemblage of emotional self –perceptions located at the lower levels of personality. Trait Emotional intelligence is one’s own perception of own emotional abilities. This model overcomes the criticisms of ability model. It should be studied with the personality design. Other Measurement: 1. There are many self report measures of Emotional intelligence including the EQ-I , the Swinburne University EI test (SUEIT) and the Schutte EI Model. 2. Trait EI questionnaire.(TEIQue). Criticisms of theoretical foundation: 1. Emotional Intelligence cannot be documented as form of aptitude – the best Support was given by Eysenck (2000) where the researcher states that Emotional intelligence is having unsubstantiated imaginations where the other researches came to know about this Intelligence when studying the different types of intelligence. 2. Emotional intelligence is a baffling ability with ethical traits- Adam grant in his study claims that well developed Emotional intelligence is not a mechanism for attaining goals but it is the other side of the coin used as a weapon for manipulating others by stealing their