The Five Factor Model Of Personality

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How does individual personality can increase the likelihood of them participates in sports activities? In the field of Sports Psychology, there are many researches that have been studied. Basically, personalities are defined as a unique cluster of characteristic that differentiate one another that may change according to different situations (Schultz and Schultz, 2013). The individual personality is related to the specific traits that a person displays. Cattell defines traits as a “relatively permanent reaction tendencies that are the basic structural units of the personality” (as cited in Schultz and Schultz, 2013). In other word, the combination of these traits could develop individual personality. There are several theories used to explain the individual personality and the most common one that the researcher chooses in this study is The Five Factor Model of Personality. The Five Factor Model of Personality were includes the extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness and agreeableness to experience as the factors that affect personality. Personality of an individual is an important element that determines some aspects of behavior and it would also have an impact towards their thought, emotions and respond to others. This personality is important for the coach or manager to understand the significance of it and its potential effect on athlete performance in the future. The Five Factor Model of Personality is significance to measure the athlete personality to