Leadership Philosophy Statement

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I define a leader as a person who has not only the ability but also the willingness to endure the hardships others may not be capable of handling. Leaders not only inspire others to achieve goals that seem impossible but manage to get others to work together in achieving these set goals for the betterment of themselves and the mission. Respect, communication, and teamwork are the pillars that I believe most align with my leadership style. Respect is an important part of the foundation as a leader as you are responsible for promoting an environment of safety and growth. Communication is key, without it you are not taking into consideration the issues your members could be having. Teamwork is important as a leader because you are responsible …show more content…

Naval Sea Cadets at age ten years old. At age ten, I was taught the fundamentals of basic military drill and order from fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds. Their command presence over 50 to 100+ cadets was impressive and awe inspiring. The confidence and the respect that they displayed as a strong leader was something I envision for myself to always want to represent when holding a leadership position. I knew in that moment that I wanted to become a type of leader that others looked up to just as I looked up to my leaders when I was ten years old. They inspired me to work on not only my own professional development but on the professional development of others around me. As I got older and transitioned into a professional work environment I encountered various types of leadership styles, it was in this professional environment that I learned that there were leadership styles that as a follower I did not consider as influential. Those types of leadership traits did not embody our constructive or inclusive environment and it created tension between team members rather than professional and personal growth. It was through my professional experience that I saw the importance of leadership traits that would foster a positive environment versus leadership traits that could create a cultural divide between members of the same team. Having those two very opposite leadership styles be a part of …show more content…

It's important to always seek feedback from your subordinates, peers, and supervisors as they can give you more in-depth awareness in areas to improve upon. During my time here at DCO, I have been given the opportunity to serve as squad leader where I am responsible for my squad’s accountability and safety during this training course. I am responsible for maintaining strong communication regarding class and event announcements while also providing any updates to these scheduled events. One thing that I have learned during this process is that it is important to use the strengths of your members experience and knowledge because with inclusive collaboration of tasks that you yourself as a leader may be facing for the first time may be another member’s fifth or tenth time so the use of their knowledge can help you collectively tackle the

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