
Leadership Self Assessments Essay

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Complete the following Leadership Self-Assessments in the textbook: • Ch. 12 Quiz 12 -2 "Cross-Cultural Skills and Attitudes"; pp. 397- 398 • Ch. 12 Quiz 12-3 "My Conflict Resolution Style" pp. 404-405 Ch. 12 Quiz 12-2 I answered 9 “Applies to Me” and 6 “Not There Yet”. According to the scoring and interpretation, I should develop my cross-cultural awareness and skills to work effectively in a multicultural work environment. In order to build my Cross-Cultural Skills and Attitudes, I will continue to treat all persons with respect and with kindness, also the following will assist me too: • Learn how to communicate with other cultures. • Observe and be sensitive their ways of doing business. • Be flexible. • Self-awareness understand me so that I …show more content…

Ch. 12 Quiz 12-3 My composite score fell in the 7 or less which according to scoring and interpretation, I use the competitive (win-lose) approach to resolving conflict and negotiating. I must admit that I was surprised that I fell in this category. I need to learn the collaborative approach to resolving a conflict. Which is where I thought I was now in my life. To build my collaborative approach conflict resolution skills, I can do the following: • Be able to analyze the problem. • Make preparation decide what the goal and trade will be the outcome. • Actively listen to both sides. • Emotionally control can’t allow my feelings to overtake in the negotiating process. • Verbally communication must be clear and concise. • Collaboration and teamwork both sides come to an agreement. • Problem Solving has solutions that will work for both sides. • Decision making ability able to make a good quick decision if need be (Kelchner, 2017). • Have interpersonal skills have a good working relationship with the person involved and don’t be manipulative. • Ethics and reliability keep the promises made doing negotiation to build

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