My Strengths And Weaknesses Of Negotiation

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As described earlier in the introduction part, I have recalled different courses of negotiation in my life from which I have tried to figure out my weaknesses and strengths. Before the negotiation course, I could only realize some of my capacity and limits, for example I might be good at emotional control and bad at active listening. I believed they were not all the weaknesses and strengths that I should realize. In addition, I found it hard to hone my strengths and improve my weaknesses because (i) I did not see negotiation in systematic viewpoint (ii) I have not had enough negotiation experiences. Thankfully, this course has shed the new light on the wide scope of negotiations and how they should be conducted. From this course, I am able to see more dimensions of negotiations and subsequently, better figure out my weaknesses and strengths. As a result, I could find a more effective way to develop my negotiation skills.
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Fortunately, those weaknesses can be improved by understanding the reasons behind and learning what were the proper way to conduct a negotiation. Drawing on the learning points from this course, now I know that negotiation is not a win-lose game. There is no need to be tough and totally competitive to obtain the best negotiation outcomes. We can definitely achieve the win-win outcomes by good preparation, active listening, wisely sharing information to create values and expanding the bargaining zone. I have learned that compromising, even-splitting or building trust are not the right tactics in a win-win negotiation. Instead, knowing yourself (i.e. your target, your BATNA, reservations points, etc.), understanding your counterparty (i.e. their underlying interests, concerns, their BATNA, etc.) and assessing the situation (i.e. number of parties, cultural differences, power distributions, etc.) are the keys to become a successful