Leadership: The Four Theories Of Nursing Leadership

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Different theories about leadership have been described. The leadership construct is complex and multidimensional. NL establishes relationships which influences other people to voluntarily work on related tasks to achieve the goals desired by the group. When nurses are familiar with leadership theories, they can select and adapt the most appropriate proposals to deal with different situations.
As a model, the nursing leader can reduce the autocratic atmosphere and thus, some conflicts of functions. Leaders do things right, accept the challenge of change, focus on goals and have a marked time in the future. They ask why and use strategies based on trajectories towards human potential. On the other hand, NL do things right, opt for continuity, and focus on current structures and procedures. They ask who, what, when, where and how because they use programs to reach the destination and evaluate human performance (Meretoja R, 2002).
Among the different theories on leadership we find:
The Great Man theory holds that some are born leaders and can plan activities of the organization & control activities of subordinate to achieve organizational objectives. This theory is unattractive with now followers. We have a Charismatic theory in which the leader inspires by gaining emotional commitment of followers for awakening loyalty and enthusiasm. Charismatic leaders …show more content…

Transactional leadership is based on the exchange of rewards between the leader and the members of his team. The followers do their work and in return the leader gives economic rewards or other reinforcements. This type of leadership, when applied well, has positive effects on the satisfaction and performance of followers as discussed