
Evolution Of Leadership

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Leadership has been a topic of interest to historians and philosophers since ancient times, but scientific studies began only in the twentieth century. Scholars and other writers have offered hundreds of definitions of the term LEADERSHIP, and one authority on the subject has concluded that leadership “is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth”. First reading explains about how Latham found an inability to converge or a universal answer about leadership. There were also notion whether leaders are born or made.
Managerial practises, trust and performance is part of leadership which improves team work and organizational performance. Then there are 3 kinds of trust of in related with leadership--trust …show more content…

Representing top management and middle management, respectively, they set overall goals and directions that the GDOT pursues. The department and leadership team are basically engaged in designing and career development and also by making a link between performance and career advancement clear, the top management establishes a career development system. For trust in leadership team, besides those two practices, communication was considered as another critical factor. Obtaining sufficient and sound information decreases the uncertainty within organizations. Performance appraisal is usually the responsibility of immediate super- visors, whereas strategic planning is principally a function of department leadership and leadership team.
In final, when employees believe that their leadership is committed to their well-beings and development, they positively respond to the organization with higher performance, better commitment. And higher level of …show more content…

Researchers believe that leaders should adapt to the situation and also what is the most important is the essence of leadership than its style. It also talks about leadership as a character or quality. Managerial practises, trust in leadership, and performance is important part of an organization. When managerial practises are carried out effectively they positively affect employee trust in leadership, which in turn influence performance outcome. Also team work plays as a mediating role between trust and organizational performance. Therefore three kinds of leadership play mediating role between managerial practises and organizational outcome and effect of trust are basically through teamwork. Trust also have indirect and direct influence on the performance. GDOT, to maximise performance building trust in top management may need to give up higher priority and finally importance of team work was also emphasized. A leader’s behaviour is important for a smooth functioning of an organization and therefore leadership style refer to a leaders’ behavioural pattern in different times and different situations. It also thus results in leaders’ personality, experience and value system. Mainly it focused on directive leadership which had resulted in imbalance in the multicultural group as per the research. As it is said in the study USA mainly adopted task oriented leadership

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