Lean Six Sigma Principles Of US Government Policy

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President Obama has four more years and now people are focused on the American deficit. Many politicians, and most of the news outlets, think the only solution is to raise the debt ceiling. Is this the best choice? Anyone who has studied Lean Six Sigma principles would say it isn't. They understand the tools are already here to save the US from the perils of endless debt. A better understanding and use of the Six Sigma principles can improve the use of funds throughout the US government. Understanding the principles of Lean Six Sigma gives us insight why experts think there is a better approach to handling American debt. Lean Frog suggests the Lean Six Sigma plan is so effective, proven, and simple to follow, that it should be the top choice in all industries, and government, that face budget problems. Measure performance at all levels of government and create continuous and incremental improvement. These principles encourage productivity gains with less spending. Yes politicians, less spending is the operative terminology. …show more content…

Just by using the built in tools for waste reduction, it is proven that you can cut spending by 25% without impacting your service. Self-sufficient agencies will understand that this is something desperately needed. Can you imagine a government agency coming out and saying they were going to cut costs by 25%? Lean Frog states that Lean is a philosophy and a practice focused on creating more value with less work. Business and government have limited resources; expending those resources for any goal other than the creation of value is wasteful. Lean eliminates such waste while building your company's competitive