Learning Concept # 2: Agencies, And Theories

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Learning Concept #1 Application of theory to a case
The author states that the normal process of working with clients is to obtain what there goals are for treatment. Once you have heard what the goals are, then there are two things to complete. The first is choosing a theory. The author suggests that when “choosing a theoretical framework, we need to think about what the client what the client wants to accomplish, how much time we have to accomplish the goal and how comfortable we are with the theory”( Ward & Mama, 2006 pg P123) The second step is to develop an intervention plan. When picking an intervention plan we need to look at the presenting needs and how much time we have to spend with the client
Learning Concept #2: Agencies and Theories
In chapter nine the author suggests that we speak with our supervisors about social work theories. Every agency will have its own approach on how things with be done. The author stats that “often agencies …show more content…

The general idea of the theory is that the client and their environment determine their reality, active participants in the course of their own lives. It determines behaviour through choices one makes rather than nature or nurture. The goals of the theory are to open new experiences, develop good relationships and assume personal and social responsibility. The role of the helper is to be present, develop and maintain relationships, provide unconditional positive regard, help the client experience anxiety for incongruence to motivate change, the helpers must be themselves and accept and appreciate clients as they are. Last are the techniques and processes, it’s a slow unfolding of ones attitudes and perceptions with gradual movement towards less defensiveness about feelings. The helper’s awareness of incongruities and factors make a more accurate perception of self, problems and relationships that increase in strength