Affective Learning Strategies

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Learning strategies represent the behavior and thoughts, which occupies a student during learning. Learning strategies are the techniques used by students to test the new material to develop, organize and / or to understand and influence self-motivation and feelings. The use of mnemonic devices can be seen as one type of learning strategy. Learning strategies can be divided into several categories as under: -

1. Rehearsal strategies
(For example, repeat items in a list, highlight the text of an article)
Uses repeated practice to learn information. When you ask a student to learn certain information, he tries to repeat it over and over again. You can say the words aloud, or you can vocalize the information (about as yourself). Repeated practice …show more content…

The relationship between affective and learning strategies is unclear, but positive emotional environment helps learning in general. The teacher can play an active role in the development and use of affective strategies by building a generally positive atmosphere in the classroom. This can happen to encourage and advise students to help them identify achievable goals and to work independent learning through personalization and activities by working in pairs and in groups.
Lower amounts of anxiety with relaxation techniques is a kind of affective strategy. affective strategies include maintaining attention, time management and reducing anxiety.

Learning-to-learn phenomena have been examined from a variety of perspectives. Learning strategies are considered to be any behaviors or thoughts that facilitate encoding in such a way that knowledge integration and retrieval are enhanced. More specifically, these thoughts and behaviors constitute organized plans of action designed to achieve a goal. Cognitive strategies as discussed above provide a structure for learning that actively promotes the comprehension and retention of knowledge through the use of engaging