Child Interview Questions

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Part 1: Demographics
1) First and Last Name of person you are interviewing: Mrs. Denise Barnes
2) The person’s role: Parent- Mother
3) Age level of children/students:10 years old
4) Date of the Interview: MM/DD/YYYY 09/20/2017
Part 2: Questionnaire Interview for Parent of a Child(ren)
1) As a parent, what goals do you have for your child?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) stated “My goals are to teach life skills reading, math, writing and for him to be at his grade level in school”.
2) Do you, or have you, given any thought to the moral development of your child?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) explain “that it’s imperative for children to make the right decision, and know right from wrong”.
3) What …show more content…

Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) stated “that the values she teaches are accountability, compassion, control, kindness, love, and respect”.
4) What family traditions do you try to maintain, and what is the importance of these traditions to you?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) explains” that one tradition family reunion. Teaching him worth, values and memories, were we came from, and the strength that binds the family together”.
5) When do you have discussions about values?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) stated” they are every day and every time a teachable moment happens”.
6) What are your concerns or worries about your child’s moral development?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) states “I have none. Trusting in God to see me through”.
7) How do you feel about our society, media, and moral development?
D. Barnes (personal communication September 20, 2017) explains” I believe sometime society and the media can be cruel. But if we teach are children to have strong values and trust God everything else will fall into place”.
8) How do you feel about character education programs in …show more content…

First, we must define what is character” One of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual” ( Character begins at birth and continues all through life. It shapes us and molds us. It’s what makes an individual different from another individual. No two people are the same.
Social emotional development “accounts for a child’s experience, expression, management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships” (Cohen and others, 2005). Everything can be used as a teachable moment in life. Emotional development “identify and understand one’s own feelings to accurately read and comprehend emotional states in others to manage strong emotions and their expressions in a constructive manner, to regulate one’s own behavior” (National Scientific Council in Development Child, 2004). Students must have self-efficacy” a person belief in their ability to produce the desired results by their own actions” (Davidson, 2003). Students should believe in their selves. It you don’t believe you can never