Qualities Of A Teacher Essay

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Lecturers’ competency is the quality of a lecturer in the university. The quality of lecturer is an important factor to decide the quality of the university graduates students. Lecturers not only run their daily task of educating like teaching the knowledge inside the books only but also can educating the extra knowledge. Not only that, lecturers’ behaviours also important to the university students because it can become a good examples and also role models to the students. (Nur Zakiah & Masnora, 2011) As a role models to the students, lecturers should have a good characteristic and also personal qualities as well as socially competent and also professionally. Lecturers also need to have professional knowledge to teach the students.
Meanwhile, competency can be describe as abilities to run a task. (Spencer & Spencer, 1993) Another research which is Palan (2003) has found that competency are consist of five characteristics. The five characteristics are knowledge, attitudes, skills, personal values and motivation in doing their task. From the finding of the other researchers, they found that lecturers’ competency is the factors that might cause the unemployment problem of the graduates happen. This is because there are many new lecturers join to the education sector every year but some of them are lack of skills in teaching methods and also less experienced and exposure in the education sector. To overcome the problem, lecturers need to be change exposure to the industry to

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