Led Zeppelin Research Paper

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Led Zeppelin was an English rock band formed in london, that started in 1968, they were new and popular and everyone loved them.The `four band members were Jimmy Page the guitarist, Robert Plant singer,John Paul Jones the bassist , and John Bonham the drummer.They played all different kinds of music and that's what was unique about them,they were so different then the rest of the other bands out there.They played hard rock,blues rock,folk rock and heavy metal this is a unique form for a band. Instead of playing one type of music they played all these different forms of music.It wasn't thought of at the time they were the first to do this.by doing this they pulled in all different crowds of people who liked the different kinds of music.This is when they started to boom.They started a new form of cultivar and influenced a lot of people. …show more content…

This would cause the music industry to change and more bands started popping up.everybody who was in music wanted a piece of the rock n roll pie.people wanted to be as cool as led zepplin.Led Zepplin also had a big affect on how people dressed and their styles.Led zeppelin dressed very hippie like with a little rock thrown in it it was a stylish new look that people liked. A Lot of people started dressing like them because people wanted to be as cool as them. During this time led zeppelin was becoming rock n roll gods they never thought they would be as popular as they were but they loved it. They loved what they had done they loved the fact they were different and everyone loved their music and that their music brought joy to people's life and that their dreams had come true.Led Zeppelin would now always be remembered in the history of rock and