
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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Leonardo da Vinci:
Leonardo da Vinci was a genius scientist, inventor and artist in the period of renaissance. He has been variously called the father of palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. And the modern scholars called him “the most perfect representative of renaissance and the unique generalist in human history”.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy. He was illegitimate and raised by his father. But Leonardo showed precocious genius in math, music and art. His greatest desire was to be apprenticed to a painter, which was looked down upon at the time. Eventually, his father was worn down by his undeniable talent, and took him to Florence to study painting, sculpting and engineering under the Andrea del Verrocchio. Leonardo quickly outstripped his master (though he continued to study with Verrocchio until around 1476) and was admitted to the Florence painters' guild in 1472. Leonardo da Vinci was the symbol of a “Renaissance man.” With a curious mind and keen intellect, da Vinci studied the laws of science and nature, which greatly informed his work as a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman. His ideas and works—which includes "Virgin of the Rocks," "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa"—have influenced countless artists and made da Vinci became a leading light of the Italian Renaissance. …show more content…

Leonardo spent about twenty years (1480-1499) in the service of Lodovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. His output during this period included two of his best known paintings: The Virgin of the Rocks and The Last

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