Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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In the book "How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci", are a list of seven principles that greatly enhances a person's previous outlook and capabilities in life. All of these principles are beneficial in their own way, and due to this the difficulty varies. Nonetheless, all of the principles are worth mastering, or at least practicing. Though accomplishing this may require a lot of effort, the benefit more then outweighs the work. Of all the seven principals that are included within Da vinci's book, I found "Arte/Scienza" to be the most intricate and difficult. The reasons behind this choice are numerous. Bridging the void between these two very different concepts is a task not many have achieved. However, as said before, every one of these principles are a goal worth aiming for. This one is no exception. There are ways to accelerate this process though. In the following paragraphs, you'll learn how. …show more content…

Visualize your brain. Now split it in two, right down the middle vertically. You now have two sides, the right hemisphere, and the left. On the right side you'll find what you're using right now, imagination. Imagination, along with the rest of your "artistic" brain functions. Moving to the left will reveal a nearly polar region, consisting of all your "practical, logical and scientific" brain functions. At the moment you're imagining two sides, completely different at that. But what were to happen if the line separating these two sides were to disappear? If both the "practical, logical and scientific" brain functions were to merge with the

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