Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper

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I chose to do my art assignment on Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.” It is a late 15th century mural and was believed to be made between 1495 and 1496. It is also believed to be one of the world’s most famous paintings. It was painted to depict Jesus having his last supper with his disciples. It covers an end wall of a dining hall at a monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. The last Supper depicts the look on each disciples face when Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. The painting was deteriorating and was restored many times. It was badly deteriorated by the 1970s. Restoration took twenty one years to complete and was returned to display on May 28, 1999. When this was done it was not completely the same …show more content…

The content shows how Jesus was so calm at this supper, even though he knew that he would shortly be crucified after this supper and that one of his disciples would betray him. I believe this a representational art because it shows real life of how Jesus was sitting at the table eating with is disciples. The art work was a visual artwork for showing how Jesus was close and put his beliefs with the disciples and how he was interacting with them. In the painting Jesus was foretelling how Peter would deny knowing Jesus. In this art work, it was considered the first work of High Renaissance art due to its high level of harmony. At Jesus head is where the vanishing point starts. The shape is showed in the art work by the height of the wall that it was painted on and by the length of the table in the art work. The space is shown by the little distance of the disciples from Jesus. It also shows space by where the table is located and the windows on the back side of the room. The value in this art work is shown with the darkness of the back part of the room. When you look closer at the table everything becomes