Leonardo Dicaprio's Standpoint On OCD

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Leonardo DiCaprio’s Standpoint on OCD “OK, you 're being ridiculous, stop stepping on every gum stain you see. You don 't need to do that. You don 't need to walk twenty feet back and put your foot on that thing. Nothing bad is going to happen” (“Hisock”), says famous actor, Leonardo DiCaprio. Also,one of millions of people who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder every day. To begin, OCD stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Hyman 14). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by persistent, unwanted thoughts that intrude upon one’s mind that causes compulsive behaviors. OCD also includes unneeded actions that one feels must be done over and over again in certain rigid, consistent ways (9). Obsessions are persistent impulses, images, ideas, or thoughts that intrude into a person’s mind, causing intense anxiety or distress. They can be inappropriate, make little sense, and hard to ignore (14). Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed in an effort to diminish the anxiety and distress brought on by the obsessive thoughts. For instance, the mental acts could be praying, counting, repeating words silently, or going over events in one’s mind. The repetitive behaviors could be ordering, repeating actions, checking, cleaning and hand washing. Sometimes, compulsions are connected to a dreaded event but sometimes are totally unrelated (15). To continue, most people do not know if they have OCD. To for sure know, you need a medical

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