Letter Of Introduction To Bethel University By Thomas Adams

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Letter of Introduction
Bethel University
Thomas Adams

To all my academic scholars, It brings me great joy to introduce myself once again. I’m Thomas D. Adams your #1 iDream Coach. I’m CEO of TDA.Mentoring. I’m a single father of five with an adorable granddaughter that has stolen every piece of my heart. I could go on and on, but that’s enough. As I check the student profile for this course I see that some of us were in the ENG101 together, so congratulations for your progress. English is one of my favorite subjects because I’m always somewhere speaking. When my daughters were teens, they never wanted to go shopping with me because they knew that, I would stop and talk with someone, and it would turn into hours before we left the store. …show more content…

ENG101 opened some great opportunities for me. I learned that there’s a whole lot of info and resources on the internet to assist in written, editing, and publishing your own work. Some examples are easybib, paperrater, and Bethel Library. Bethel University, (2017). With all this wealth of resources, I’m close to finishing my own book, that I look to have out by December. Uniquely, I believe that everyone in this course has at least one book in your heart. That one book is your life story. This is what English and writing does for me. It allows me to put pen to paper, think, and write. The number one piece of literature that has changed my life, and desire to read and write is Reposition Yourself, By TD. Jakes,