Lewis Carroll Research Paper

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Lewis Carroll was born on January 27,1832 He died January 14,1898 at age 66.His hometown is Daresbury,England.Lewis parents is Jane Lutwidge dodgson,Charles dodgson's,and he was one child out of ten.Lewis was famous for making Alice in Wonderland.The was also famous for making poems and childrens books.Here are some facts about him, he invented scrable.Lewis Carroll is Charles Dodgson.His favorite books were about chess.He made Alice in Wonderland.He made a sequel to Alice through the looking glass.Lewis was deaf in one ear.He made poems out of nonsences.Lewis made his first poem when he was 7 years old.He made the most popular book in England.When Lewis made Alice in Wonder Land based on a true story.Age 20 he got to schoolerships in England.Four

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