
Lewis Carroll Research Paper

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"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's a great puzzle" (BrainyQuote). This quote was spoken by Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland. When most people hear his name, their head automatically goes to the literary pieces he has written. What they don't think about is who he really is. In his quote that was recently stated, he explains that although he puts on a persona of this ordinary author, once you take an in depth look at his life you will must there is much more than meets the eye. On the outside he seems like a normal man who grew up in a loving family, however as you look into his life more and more you discover that his internal conflicts throughout his life influenced the works of literature he created. Lewis Carroll's life and relationship with Alice Liddell has influenced his work "Alice in Wonderland", which explains the physiological aspects of the story. Life itself can be the biggest influence of all when writing a novel, poem, or even painting a picture. This is especially true in the case of Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll's real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and he was often neglected as a child since he was the third child of eleven …show more content…

Many times during theses boat rides Lewis Carroll would come up with imaginative short stories. But on July 4, 1862 he decided to talk about Alice's Adventures Under ground (The Atlantic). This story was about a protagonist named Alice who lived in a whimsical world with magical talking creatures. Alice Liddell was so captivated by this particular story that she begged Lewis Carroll nonstop to write more about it. Lewis Carroll wrote a manuscript that not only Alice read, but it was also read by George Macdonald (The Atlantic). Macdonald ended up absolutely loving the manuscript, and he added scenes to make it better. Then in 1865, Alice in Wonderland was finally

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