Lewis Washkansky Case Summary

386 Words2 Pages
1. The first heart transplant occurred December third, 1967, for Lewis Washkansky, at Groote Schuur hospital, South Africa. Washkansky was dying from chronic heart disease.
2. First, an I.V is entered into your arm, this puts you to sleep. Then a doctor puts antiseptic over your skin, and makes a cut going down your chest to expose the diseased heart. Tubes are placed in your chest to keep the blood pumping through your body. When the old heart is taken out, the new heart is sown in place. Once the new heart is in, it will begin to beat, and a doctor will monitor it until he/she is sure the heart is functioning properly. Using small wires the chest area is sown back together. Tubes than get inserted into the chest to drain any extra fluids

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