Lgbtq Case Study

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Superiority is demonstrated by non-LBGTQ people as perceiving themselves as more desirable, having more privileges, and receiving more societal rewards, due to the fact that they are part of the majority group. In contrast, they see people who identify as LGBTQ as less desirable, deserving of less privileges and less societal rewards. This example of perceived “normalcy” as superior clearly demonstrates how the rights and comfortability of the majority is superior to the rights and comfortability of an individual from the LGBTQ community. Oliver is extremely uncomfortable using the girls’ restroom when he is dressed as a boy, yet his concerns are dismissed and the school still forces him to use the girl’s restroom in order to preserve the comfortability of non-LGBTQ members.
This example of Oliver’s school forbidding him to use the restroom that is congruent with the gender that he identifies as is another demonstration of oppression for it accepts the majority party’s ability to impose standards on the LGBTQ community. Since the LGBTQ community has less possession of economic, social, and political power, they are habitually oppressed and …show more content…

First and foremost, the use of the word disorder implies that something is dysfunctional or incorrect. As Ross (2009) points out, this diagnosis is the only disorder in which treatment is designed to confirm, reinforce, and validate the belief that is the basis of the mental disorder. On the other hand, all other diagnoses’ symptoms are viewed as pathological, thus the goal of treatment is to remove the symptoms. Clearly this is an issue that is goes beyond the simple terminology to be used by a therapist as it is still worded this way in the DSM 5. Nonetheless, therapists should be aware of the implications such a diagnosis may have on a client and how it affects their view of