Libertarianism Self Government

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Since the beginning of civilization, people have held certain thoughts, ideas, and beliefs as to how the society should be governed, which became collectively known as the “isms”. Some of the earlier civilization, such as the Greek city-state of Sparta, held the belief that the power of society lies within those who are strong and powerful, especially the men. However, its counterpart, the city-state of Athens, emphasized democracy and wisdom to lead the people. Eventually as more societies began to settle and the government became centralized, many believed in the power remaining with a head government figure, such as a monarch and some believed that power would be split among members of an elite class. The development of the United States of America also gave …show more content…

Primarily, the personal liberties of the individuals. With having a primary emphasis on personal liberties, libertarianism believes in as little government interaction as possible because of the belief that a strong government will result in a loss of the personal liberties of the people. As said by Sharon Harris, the President of Advocates for Self-Government, “Libertarians believe that each person owns his own life and property and has the right to make his own choices as to how he lives his life and uses his property – as long as he simply respects the equal right of others to do the same” ( In short, each person has the sole control of how they choose to live their live and control their property, as long as the basic rights of man are respected, there is no need for interference from the government. The primary followers of libertarianism are individuals who believe that the government has become too strong and too involved in the lives of the people. They believe that the government is limiting their individual rights and making decisions for the people that the people do not