Library Building Program Application Paper

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Written in 2015, the library building program contains information on the current Lynnfield Public Library and future new building needs. When using the library program as the guide during the schematic design process, it became apparent that program adjustments were needed in order to design a building that met the program objectives and goals, was financial responsible and sustainable, and met the requirements of a MBLC grant application. In addition, during the building planning and design process, the library went through an administrative change with the Director who wrote the building program retiring, and a new Director implementing the program with a new perspective.
Drawing the building according to the room descriptions in the program resulted in a building schematic plan that was in access of 33,000 sq. feet. This result happened for a few …show more content…

The estimate (on page 103) of the square footage for the building is listed as 21,025. However, when all of the sizes in the spreadsheets are added, the total is 23,110.65. Using the square footage included in the individualized descriptions of the rooms as a guide for the drawings, including unassignable space, the building program totals the space as over 31,000 square feet.
Upon review of the library drawings at 33,000, it was determined that the drawings were not feasible. Reasons included that the plans did not include the collection or furniture placement. Placement of those items would have enlarged the building even more. This size discrepancy between the figures in the program and the intent to build a building that was economically feasible, while meeting the needs of the community was rectified through careful evaluation of the needs of the space, and exploring shelving heights and collection size options for materials. The elements of the building program remained during the reconciliation process with the main adjustments between the program and the current preliminary schematic design plan