Thomas Jefferson's Use Of Roman Architectural Features Connected Monticello With Rome

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Jefferson’s use of Roman architectural features connected Monticello with Rome’s imperial power. He didn’t just like the architecture of ancient Rome for purely aesthetic purposes but rather because of what they stood for-freedom. Rome thrived for hundreds of years partly on account of their democratic beliefs. Jefferson wished that all citizens of the United States would live in freedom. Not only did the architectural features connect America with history, but it also connected them with the ‘high social standing’ of these ancient citizens. He believed that the absence of important buildings and architectural sophistication in American society would undermine social authority. Overall the building connects America with the past but also portrays Thomas Jefferson’s hope …show more content…

Jefferson played a prominent role in the creation of a new order in American nation often looking to Roman times for inspiration. “On the world’s stage, Monticello symbolizes how Jefferson took Enlightenment ideals about the rights of man and crafted them into a new nation introducing self-government, liberty and human equality.’ Leslie Greene (president and CEO of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation) believes that ‘as the creator of both Monticello and the Declaration of Independence, he introduced world-changing ideas which have given hope to people everywhere.” Jefferson designed his home after neoclassicism that was popular in France because he believed America needed a strong political alliance with France who he considered their ‘revolutionary brothers.’ ‘By introducing classical architecture into America Jefferson intended to reinforce the ideals behind the classical past- democracy, education, rationality, civic responsibility. Jefferson designed a building that spoke to the democratic ideals of the United States.’ It’s a memorable structure that people continue to acknowledge for its beauty and civic