Life Changing Experience In College

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College has been a truly life changing experience for me. I have met new people, learned new things about academics, and even learned about myself. However, things are very different from what I went into this expecting. Unfortunately, I still feel restricted in a lot of ways because I am in pathways but I am sure that this will change in the upcoming semesters. After six weeks in college, this is how my experience has been thus far. I went into this expecting the academics to be very difficult and my expectations were met and then some. I find the work in nearly all of my classes very challenging and I find myself spending far too many hours on assignments that should take very little time. The only class that I find the work to be easy is my computer class because that coursework is made up of things that I have spent years learning about and teaching myself so I enjoy it. In terms of how I manage the freedom that college has offered me, I believe I have managed my time quite well. I always hand my assignments in on time and still have time to go do things that I enjoy. I spend almost all of my free time at the school in the library which has allowed me to get a lot of work done before I even come home. One way that I can see I need to improve myself in is the amount of pressure that I put on myself. I have an extremely perfectionist attitude and this can cause me to feel horrible about any work that, even if I put my best effort into it, does not receive a 100 for a