Life In The Matrix

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Would you prefer to know the darkest and most dreadful truths that are concealed on this planet we call home, or would you prefer to live in a state of blissful ignorance? This is the first question raised in the film ‘The Matrix’ by Andy Wachowski. The film is based around the hacker named ‘Neo’, and his journey to knowing the awful truth about the state humanity and himself were actually in. While doing this his perspective on everything was warped as he realised the things he believed in, were no longer true. Neo’s adventure through the Matrix was not the ideal environment for the average human being, and because of this it made it the perfect dystopian environment. The idea of living in a dystopian world is something all mature humans comprehend …show more content…

The winner of the Hunger Games usually was the person who could easily adapt to the bizarre living conditions they had been hurled into, and through this it was clearly shown how powerful knowledge can truly be. When Neo first has to experiment with his new found knowledge, he is unable to capitalise on any advantages it gave him. Morpheus said, “I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it”. As Neo was able to acquire Morpheus’ inspirational message, he eventually became skilled enough to overcome any obstacle that he had initially stumbled on, and because of this, managed to manipulate the matrix. This caused me to feel inspired as Morpheus was essentially saying that others can tell you how to do something, but that knowledge is useless unless you are brave and clever enough to act upon it. I felt I could relate to this as during all my years at school, teachers would stand at the front of the class and would try to tutor me in various subjects. However, only recently did I realise that the knowledge being bestowed on me was useless unless I was willing to put in the time and the effort to improve in those particular …show more content…

They see it as being so crucial, that they have even felt the need to manipulate it (like the matrix) to benefit their own means. In the Matrix, those who were able to conquer the limit that their minds had, were able to manipulate the matrix. The most famous example of this is when Neo dodged the bullets fired by Agent Smith. Neo was able to do this as he allowed his mind to think quicker than a normal human’s, which in turn allowed him to manipulate the matrix. “What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me”, was said by Morpheus whilst training Neo. This clearly showed that within the Matrix, knowledge was extremely powerful and also, that things like self belief were too very dynamic. Knowledge is very powerful, but it is also translucent. I do not believe everything I hear, and I refuse to. This is because even though knowledge is power, it is not always proven power, and what you know could be just a facade covering something that is wrong, and therefore weak. However, taking this approach can blind you from the truth, making knowledge also very delicate. This reinforces the link back into the matrix as what they saw, heard and felt were all apart of a computer program, and were not actually real. Perhaps the idea of a world being completely digitised is not fathomable