The Journey Of Jesus Christ In The Matrix

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The story of the Messiah or rather the savior has been one that a good number of people have always been looking forward to for approximately 2000years now. According to the Christians, the narration is not any little fictional narrative that an author has come about, but it is believed to have happened in the real life story. The Matrix, just as the salvation story has a direction of the Savior depicted in it. It is a Christian movie that brings out the reality of fiction not forgetting to put out the best about every actor.
The main character in the film is Neo, which in one way meant the ‘one’ or using his other name Thomas A. Anderson with his last name bringing an illusion of him being referred to as the son of man, following a Greek translation of the name. Going through the stages of the mythic hero’s journey as described carefully in Joseph Campbell’s book entitled Hero with a Thousand Faces, it becomes clear that Neo is indeed a hero, who rose up against all the odds to save both himself and the people around him.
Departure Stages …show more content…

He describes in his writing that, "…the call rings up the curtain, always, on a mystery of transfiguration—a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and birth." Neo’s first call of adventure was when he had to follow the ‘white rabbit. ' He had seen this in one of his dreams that he needed to follow the white rabbit and when a female who had a white rabbit tattooed on her visited him, he knew that this was certainly his call to start his adventure. Fortunately for Neo, despite the fact that he initially refused to honor the call and thus refuses to climb the window, he chooses to accept the call. Therefore, the second stage just does not apply to