A Very Brief Life Of Moses

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Moses was a boy born to a Levi woman when they were under slavery from Egypt. It had been said that someone would rise and take over the kingdom so the Pharaoh ordered all the baby boys to be killed. Moses’ mother put him in a basket in the Nile River and he was taken in by the princess. One day when Moses was older, he was walking through the desert and there was a burning bush that was not actually burning, but just engulfed in flames. God spoke to Moses through the bush and told him that he wanted to use him to rescue his people from slavery. When Moses went to talk to the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh refused to let the people go. God brought down many plagues including the killing of the first born sons, but when the Angel of death passed a house with the blood of the lamb across the door, he knew they believed in God and he would skip that household. Finally Pharaoh let the slaves go free. As they were leaving, he changed his mind and sent his army after them. The Israelites were at the face of the Red sea and it appeared that they had no where to go, But Moses then raised his staff and the Red Sea parted so that his people could pass and escape the army. As his people are in exile Moses goes up to Mount Sinai where God told him the laws that people were to live by.
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