Life Of Pi Essay Outline

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1. Brief Summary
a. Part One: Toronto and Pondicherry: The novel begins with Pi explaining everything he has been through and how he lost hope and suffered greatly. Pi mentions his hospital stay he had after his journey in the ocean. Pi also describes his childhood in Pondicherry, how his father ran the Pondicherry Zoo, his interest in animals and how he received teasing for his name, Piscine. Pi also explains, in great detail, how his father fed a live goat to a caged tiger which leads Pi to explain the certain responses from territorial invasions as well as people safe due to zoo protection measures. After all this, Pi tells the readers about his views on three major religions, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islamic. He also elaborates on his family’s preparations for leaving to Canada and how his father sold most of the animals and planned to take a few to Canada with them. Lastly, the author …show more content…

Part Two: The Pacific Ocean (until ch. 50): Part two begins with Pi in a lifeboat in the ravaging ocean waters while he sees a Bengal tiger, named Richard Parker, and urges him to save himself. The story then moves from Pi being stranded to a few moments before the Tsimtsum sinks. Now, the story goes to Pi waking up to a loud noise that he goes to check on deck. After, Pi tries to go back to the same floor as his family but the staircase was water, so he went back to the deck and some Chinese crewmen threw him on a life boat 40 feet below. Thereafter, the story jumps back to Pi being in the lifeboat in the ravaging waters and Pi jumps out of the boat to escape the Richard Parker. Yet, Pi sees a shark nearby and gets back on the boat's tarpaulin. Pi is stranded out in the ocean with an orangutan, a hyena, a zebra and a tiger while in search for his family. During the time the hyena eats the zebra and the hyena and orangutan fight, yet the orangutan gets killed. This strikes Pi and takes all hope of his family being alive and surviving in this boat with two wild

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