Life Of Pi Religion Vs Religion

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In the novel “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel, both versions of Pi’s experience after a ship accident – each involves with courage and sacrifice that leaves a puzzle of truth to the readers to create a strong parallel through the characteristics of religions: uncertainty, goodness display and emotional pillar. The uncertainty of truth is the greatest prove of its connection with religions and God that they are originated to reason the unsolved, just like Pi’s two versions of his story. The Japanese investigators liked the story Pi told at first, however all they wanted was a story “with out animals that will explain the sinking of the Tsimtsum”. The second story was more reasonable, however it was found with similar character buildings that “match” the first …show more content…

Religions provide people a platform to reach a higher mental need: reliable spirits or positive values. When Pi asked: “which is the better story”, Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba could only answer that “the story with animals is the better story” without mentioning about the truth. This is the amazement of religion that people would never tell if they are worshiping the truth, and they do not take ‘truth’ so strict either – people would only want to see “love”, as what Father Martin suggested about Christianity. The story with animals is appeared to be legendary, but the author and two investigators still choose this story – it does not matter the truth, it only matters which one people prefer and gain values they want. The preference of goodness indeed plays another important connection between this novel and religious beliefs to reason people’s choice of story and religion and leaves this novel with open choices to the readers. Pi had a clear preference of story that he addressed the first version more detailed and omit a lot from the second due to his personal

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