Life Without Parole Essay

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“In the US 1 out 7 prisoners are serving life without parole”(Lichtenburg). Life without parole has slowly been showing up more in the US and because of that more people are starting to see it. Many people are saying that LWOP is an inhumane punishment and they should just get rid of it because it has negative effects on the prisoners. On the other hand, in order to keep the most dangerous offenders off the streets and to provide victims' families closure, some individuals consider that life without parole should still be an option for punishment. Then there is the perspective from the families that have a loved one in LWOP and how they have to deal with that. All of this raises the question: Why are life sentences a complex issue and how are …show more content…

One of the main arguments against life sentences is that they are unfair since they disproportionately affect people of color, who make up over 66% of those currently serving them in the US(Lichtenberg). From this, it indicates that individuals of color, who make up more than two-thirds of those serving life sentences in the United States, are unfairly affected by …show more content…

This side of the argument is saying that when a crime gets committed that requires a punishment they would use the death penalty but the death penalty is also inhumane and the better option would be LWOP. Giving LWOP to those who committed murder won’t deter others but it’s a good legal response to try and punish them for their crimes (Bagaric).Another reason this side of the argument is saying this is that if a person commits a horrible crime can get punished for their