Continuous Professional Development Essay

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Continuous professional development is considered professional duty for teacher in many countries Eurydice (2008)state that continuous professional development processor of late long leaner and which enable individual to maintain expand and fulfilling their potential it enables professionals development new skills and personal quality that will enhance the service they provide in the must country of the world teaching continuo professional development is important in order to increasing skill knowledge attitude for personal and career development .
As Eurydice(2008) the must choose of CPD program depend on training plan state establishment to meet the educational priority of central …show more content…

2.4 CHALLENGES OF CONTINEOUS PROFFESSINAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) Lifelong development is a most for the production if we consider the enormous challenges of schools is increasing ,which means that teachers are being made to take more and more responsibility for the content the monitoring and evaluation of learning process going on their Class room. More over teachers are expected to contribute to the process of Curriculum reform and educational innovation and by continuously monitoring and address their professional development needs (Avila bile on line http//
AS MOE (1998) stated that there are many aspects of challenge of continuous professional development. 2.4.1 IN ADEQUATE ENOUGH MATERIAL AND INFORMATION SYSTEM
Due to the lack of resource the responsible bodies for CPD cannot provide enough training and development for teachers although teachers in some schools require to maximize use of exist resort but due to lack of available materials and hand books in the school besides some schools that found in remote areas are still now attribute conditions in terms using materials and getting update