Light Criminals

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Should convicts be able to be released from jail or shorten their sentence by donating an organ? This is an important question that is asked by many people. Well my personal opinion is that yes, they should be able to. But I also think there should be certain conditions. I think only first time offenders should be able to shorten or get rid of the rest of their sentence. But I also believe it should only be an option for light offences such as theft, and only crimes where no one has been harmed or killed. My reasoning behind this opinion is because these light criminals did not cause harm to anyone and are not likely to commit the crime again. This is different than hard time offenders in for things like murder, where there is a high chance of them going out and being a danger to society. And if all criminals were able to donate organs to get out of jail, I feel the system would be abused because people can donate more than one organ. So some of these hard time offenders could continue to commit these crimes knowing that all they would have to do is donate an organ to get out. It would overall make a large loophole that puts many people in danger. However, some people do have other opinions. Cameron Fisher, a Lakeview middle school student was interviewed for his opinion on this topic. He stated “criminals should all get the …show more content…

“should criminals be able to shorten/parole the rest of their sentence by donating an organ? I also asked them if it should have certain conditions, like where only lighter criminals should be able to get parole as an option. In my survey, 80% of the people surveyed said yes, criminals should get parole as an option for donating an organ. The other 20% disagreed, saying that it should not be an option. But out of the people 80% did say that it should depend on certain details of their crime. So according to the survey, the majority of people interviewed agreed with my