Lina Micniles: A Narrative Fiction

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You would like to walk between four white buildings that were labeled from A to D. Each building was five stories high with a navy color roof that connected to each other with silver bridges that were located on the third floor. The windows of the buildings have two functional navy window shutters; under each window, they have a navy rectangle flower pot with the school crest on it that planted with city flower blue hydrangea.
At building B where the elementary, Angel Ja'Micniles is Angela little brother had entered his second grade with his new neighbor Lina the sister of Alexander and Melano Ja'Beacher. He sat on a round table with three other seven years old kids. The first his cousin Angie Ja'Niles and Angelos little sister; the other were two siblings Dina and Danny Ja'Tigris, and Derek …show more content…

“Your kanis hatched.” Lina opened her little bag and show Dina and other her little kanis. Kanis is a furry small creature that you can hold in your hand, it looks like a baby squirrel.
Angel, Dina, and Danny showed her theirs. Poor Angie said, "Mine did not hatch, yet."
Danny cheered Angie, "I am very very very sure. It will hatch, tomorrow."
Angie said, "Really, you think that… Lina, what is your Kirno power?"
Lina said, "It helps me see spirits."
Angie said, "That a stupid one…I don't want that one."
Danny said, “I am so happy. Mine is fire.”
They all removed their kanis when the bell had ringed for the classroom to start.
In the lunchroom, the five kids were sitting with each other. George Ja’Dewie was an eight years old boy, and he said to them while looking at Lina, "Oh My God! Another annoying kid."
Angie punched him in the stomach and said, "Her name is Lina; she is our friend."
Danny whispered to him, "She has kanis."
George got excited about the new news, and he sat beside her, "What is it?"
Lina told him, "A