Lincoln Memorial Roles

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The Role of Monuments in Societies Around the World
The Lincoln Memorial, The Eiffel Tower, and The Great Sphinx. Different monuments around the world and all with different roles. All of these roles are different because of where and why they were built. The roles can be, to remember, to worship, to enjoy, to protect. And with these roles have different parts. But they all have One main purpose. Like: To personally remember somebody, or used for tourists, or for protection.
The Role of the Lincoln Memorial in Society
The first thing you should realize about the Lincoln Memorial is that is has a lot of history. And there is a lot of history concerning the person that it is portraying. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He ratified the Emancipation Proclamation. He gave slaves rights. He was a hero. And so people wanted to thank him for that. So they built a memorial (Pooka N, 2004). They wanted to make it so that his name will be remembered for generations to come. Let’s learn the history… Of the Lincoln Memorial.
To Remember That He Lived
First of all, the main reason for the Lincoln Memorial was to remember that he lived. Because he lived, there was a law against slavery. That is only the beginning. He gave slaves …show more content…

Who built it? Where is it? Why was it made? Who made it? These are good questions. These questions are going to be answered. There are a lot of people that do not know the history of the Eiffel Tower. They do not know that is is a symbol of France, or why it is a symbol of France. They do not know why it is such a big tourist attraction (Anonymous A.A 2005). And they do not know what the other uses of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower is very important to france and a lot of people do not know the history of it. And in a million years not everybody will remember it. This monument has a role in society and in a while people are going to forget it so let's learn it. And never forget